Indoor Container Victory Garden – Lettuce

Lettuce, Summer Bibb – Very hardy – Lettuce can be grown practically anywhere. Perfect for home gardens, containers, raised beds, and hydroponics.

During #WW1 and #WW2, home gardens produced up to 40% of the produce in the U.S. With costs of living skyrocketing and supply issues increasing, it is time to get back to self-sufficiency. It is also a great learning experience and hobby.

Lettuce is one of the easiest vegetables to grow in pots. Their rooting is shallow; but needs good drainage. The containers can be moved around from window to window to catch the morning and afternoon sun.

I poked holes in the bottom of the containers and put about a 1/2 inch of aquarium gavel to provide extra drainage.

Victory garden leaflet, Burpee Seeds, 1918
