March 22, 2020, 2:00pm-5:00pm
The Denville Beatification Committee will present its inaugural Spring Fling on Sunday, March 22, 2020 at St. Francis Residential Community. The event will celebrate the return of Spring with an afternoon of art, music and flowers to raise funds for future Beautification projects.
The event will take place from 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m in the Green Room, and will include light refreshments, an art auction and a silent auction featuring local artists.
Beautification volunteers maintain over 30 municipal garden areas around Denville Township. We are asking for your support of the Committee through this event and welcome your sponsorship on any level as a supporter of Beautification.
Other donation opportunities are welcome in the form of ads, silent auction items, gift certificates, gift baskets or door prizes.
Below are some of the future projects your donations will support:
• Route 53 Corridor – Native plantings and beautification along both sides of the roadway
• Muriel Hepner Park – Entrance enhancement and revitalization of plantings around the lake
• Hogan Park – Walkway repair, new plantings around gazebo, prune and restore garden walkway
• McCarter Park – Continue planting of perennials, shrubs and bulbs; repair
For more information about sponsorships, projects or tickets please contact us at 973-625-8300, ext. 290.
Thank you for your support of Denville and the hard working volunteers on the Denville Beautification Committee.
Tickets $40
Saint Francis Residential Community
122 Diamond Spring Rd
Denville, NJ, United States, 07834