#MorrisCty Who’s Planning to Plant?

Happy Spring! Who is ready to dig? Are you like me and lose focus as to what to plan because there is just so many choices? Take a nice Spring Tour at the @FrelinghuysenAr gardens and trails to plan for this growing season !

Morris County Park Commission enjoy the experience
Morris County Park Commission
300 Mendham Road
Morris Township, NJ 07960
P: 973.326.7600


Walk the gardens and forest trails to find the earliest emerging plants of the growing season! This walk is moderately hilly. 

Register here.

  • Date: Wednesday, March 23
  • Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
  • Location: Frelinghuysen Arboretum, 353 East Hanover Avenue, Morris Township, 07960.
  • Cost: $15 per person.
  • Contact: Preregistration is required. For more info, call 973.326.7601.

Why Would I Care about Skunk Cabbage???

It’s Stinky! Did you know it is also amazing??!! It will be sunny, clear and in the 60s tomorrow! Come on out to the @GreatSwampNJ and learn the beautify of this misunderstood plant’s secrets!

Morris County Park Commission enjoy the experience
Morris County Park Commission
300 Mendham Road
Morris Township, NJ 07960
P: 973.326.7600

Come to the Skunk Cabbage Safari!

Skunk Cabbage may be stinky, but it sure is amazing!  Did you know that it makes its own heat to melt snow or that it’s the first flower of the spring?  Discover all of the plant’s secrets as you hunt for it emerging along the trails, guided by a naturalist.  You’ll never look at skunk cabbage the same way again! 

Register here.

  • Date: Monday, March 21
  • Time: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Location: Great Swamp Outdoor Education Center, 247 Southern Boulevard, Chatham Township, 07928.
  • Cost: $5 per person.
  • Contact: Preregistration is required. For more info, call 973.635.6629.

Apple Barrel Trio Planters

New Scholarship Availeble for Morris County Vocational Technical School Graduates

The scholarship offered by NJM is offered to counties where NJM maintains a corporate office. Morris County is one of those counties. NJM offers this scholarship through the NJAC Foundation which is a non-profit organization affiliated with the New Jersey Association of Counties (NJAC). NJAC is committed to providing educational opportunities for vocational-technical school and county college students who plan on continuing their education at a county college, state college or university in New Jersey. For more information, visit their website at www.njac.org.

#MorrisCty – Forest Bathing in @MorrisParksNJ

Morris County Park Commission enjoy the experience

Morris County Park Commission
300 Mendham Road
Morris Township, NJ 07960
P: 973.326.7600

March 19:   Willowwood Arboretum, 300 Longview Road, Far Hills, NJ 07931.

March 20:  Frelinghuysen Arboretum, 353 East Hanover Avenue, Morris Township, 07960.

Enjoy a combination of Japanese oriented walking, meditation, mindfulness, and wellness promotion. Wear comfortable shoes for walking.

Register here.

  • Date: Saturday, March 19—Sunday, March 20
  • Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon
  • Location: Locations vary.
  • Cost: $20 per person.
  • Contact: Preregistration is required. For more info, call 973.326.7601.


#MorrisCty #distancelearning – Deer Me!

Virtual Lunch and Learn with @MorrisParksNJ #distancelearning

Morris County Park Commission enjoy the experience

Morris County Park Commission
300 Mendham Road
Morris Township, NJ 07960
P: 973.326.7600

March 17 – White-tailed deer are both a scourge and a beauty in NJ.  How did we get to this point?  You’ll be amazed to learn the history of deer in NJ and their adaptations for survival.  Learn solutions for keeping deer out of  gardens.

Horticulture – Register here.

March 24: The Story of Tulip – Did you know that tulips used to be worth more than gold?  Discover their amazing history and botany of this garden favorite.

  • Date: Thursday, March 17—Thursday, March 24
  • Time: 12 noon – 12:45 p.m.
  • Location: Locations vary.
  • Cost: $10 per person.
  • Contact: Preregistration is required. For more info, call 973.635.6629 (Environmental Education) or 973.326.7601 (Horticulture).

Solar Garden Fairy

#Denville New #distancelearning @DenvilleLibrary – Cooking Connection

April 27th – 7:00pm – All Things Vegetarian !

If you love cooking and learning about the latest food trends, be sure to join the Cooking Connection, a monthly virtual program where we will discuss cookbook recommendations, share recipes and cooking tips, and more!  Monthly lists of resources will be provided based upon that month’s theme. 

Register for this event @ DenvilleLibrary.org

#MorrisCty – Skulls and Bones Program from @MorrisParksNJ

Become a forensic scientist for wildlife as you examine real skulls and bones to determine what animal they came from.  Learn about the 4 types of mammal teeth as you crunch on carrots and apple slices and then determine what the animals eat by looking at the teeth in their skulls.

Morris County Park Commission
300 Mendham Road
Morris Township, NJ 07960
P: 973.326.7600

Morris County Park Commission enjoy the experience

Register here.

  • Date: Monday, March 7
  • Time: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Location: Pyramid Mountain Natural Historic Area, 472 Boonton Avenue, Montville Township, 07045 (intersection of Mars Court and Boonton Avenue).
  • Cost: $5 per child.
  • Contact: Preregistration is required. For more info, call 973-635-6629


#Denville #Makers – New DIY Craft Corner @denvillelibrary – #LoveYourLocal

@denvillelibrary presents – Craft Corner !

March 16 @ 7:00pm Register !

Register for this event @ DenvilleLibrary.org

Related #Makers #DIYGifts from the Heart !


GIFTS FROM THE HEART – Make Essential Oils





#Denville’s own Cedar Gate Farm #LoveYourLocal

Denville’s own Cedar Gate Farm has set up a collection box in their store to collect First Aid Supplies for the #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine

Items needed for donations are: Bandaides, Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Gauze, Ace Bandages, any OTC pain relievers, Tweezers, Thermometers, Neosporin, and Stitch Glue. Also collecting shelf stable food rations, such as: peanut butter, granola bars, protein bars and crackers.

Thank you for supporting those in need in the Ukraine.

The Circa 1904 Cedar Gate Farm in Denville was used as a dairy farm and originally owned by Eugene Parks and his family.  The farm was sold by the late Dr. William Rodda in 2016 to a Denville family, Fred and Larysa Breem  

The Breem family recently gave the “Red Barn” a facelift and have brought life back to its pastures as promised to the original remaining family members. They currently run the farm by raising baby chicks and selling cage free – free range eggs weekly.  They also have produced and sold over 40 skeins of wool from their sheep herd in 2019. 

#Denville #LoveYourLocal

DenvilleCommunity A Virtual Downtown